DM2AXO 1926 - 2014
DM2AXO - Theo Reck Theo Reck
Berlin Germany

QCWA # 23963
Chapter 106
First Call: DM2AXO in 1954       Other Call(s): Y30AXO Y47ZO Y21XO DL9UXO

In August [2014], our long-time OV member Theo Reck, DM2AXO, passed away.

Theo Reck - He was an old-school thoroughbred radio amateur. He began his activity on the tapes already in the mid-50s as SWL with the number DM-0249-L. This was followed by his call signs: DM2AXO, Y21XO, DL7UXO and finally DM2AXO again. He was often on the road in CW, initially with a simple homemade TX and an old BC-312 receiver.

Memberships in the DM-DX club, MF round, DIG, CHC and the OOTC (this is the old-old-timer club) testified to its high activity. He showed his professional competence in several articles or even entire issues of amateur radio literature, especially on problems of high-frequency technology, KW converters but also radio interference suppression. He set himself a special monument by developing a "grounded ground plan", as it was also described in Rothammel's antenna book.

Thus, many of us will keep him in good memory.

DM2AXO - Theo Reck