I was first licensed as WN9STI at age 13 in 1966. Two months after getting my novice ticket, my mother took me on the train to the federal building in the Chicago Loop where I took my general exam. I will never forget as a thirteen year old facing the unsmiling government man in his white shirt and bow-tie who gave me the code test and written exam. But I passed! At age 15, I was old enough to go downtown on my own and got my advanced license. I am a member of the International Police Association (IPA) Radio Club whose net meets every Sunday and Wednesday at 1700Z on 21.410 MHz. I can also be found most Sunday mornings on 21.350 MHz at 0800 PST/PDT in a local roundtable sked. During the week I check in to CA nets on 7.250 MHz at 0830 PST/PDT and 7.235 MHz at 1130 PST/PDT, the Illini Net on 14.320 MHz daily at 1630Z, and the QCWA Net on 14.347 MHz Sundays at 2000Z. I monitor the PAPA and the DARN UHF linked repeater systems along with 146.52, 223.50, and 29.6 MHz FM simplex. An alternate QTH is a cabin in the Northwoods of Wisconsin in Eagle River. I am there several times a year and regularly check in to MIDCARS on 7.258 MHz along with monitoring the Sayner (145.13) and Three Lakes (147.195) repeaters. Of course having a place in WI means I am a Green Bay Packers fan and shareholder. I am a member of the Los Angeles ARES and the Los Angeles County Disaster Communications Service (DCS). Operating ham radio in the outdoors is one of my interests which includes using SSB and CW QRP while camping, running in ARDF courses, participating in Summits on the Air (SOTA), and going to remote locations to work Field Day as a 1B station. I am on APRS as WA9STI-9 (vehicle) and WA9STI-7 (HT). My XYL is Karla KB6LAS who is a retired Navy nurse while I am an Army veteran. In our extended family are 24 other relatives who have served in the military. ![]() ![]() October 7, 2014 |