4X4BX - 1986

Shlomo 'Sam' Minzari
(S. Monastirsky on his QSL cards)
Peta Tikva, Central District, Israel
QCWA # 14374
Chapter 124 - Israel

1951 CQWW DX CW Results
First Call: 4X4BX Other Calls: YL2BA and ZC6SM
qrz.com bio for 4X4KK, Micky Minzari (son)
I am the son of 4X4BX SK also operated as YL2BA until 1935 and as ZC6SM unofficially in Palestine! One of the founders of the Palestinian Amateur Radio Club 1936.
Later Chairman and president of the IARC until his death 1986 age 75.
My father was chief Radio Engineer of the newly build Lydda Airport (Ben-Gourion today).
73 Magazine - November, 1993
The Packet Cluster, which shall soon start operation on 144.675, the 4XNet frequency was discussed by 4X1 IL, 4X1 GP, and 4X1 DA. The first Cluster's callsign will be 4X4BX in memorial to the late DXer Sioma Manzari 4X4BX, who was the first IARC chairman. Radio Amateur 08-1985
Ron Gang 4Z4MK Kibbun Urim
Negev Mobile Post Office 85530 Israel
On Saturday evening, March 30, 1985 the Israel Amateur Radio Club held its annual hamfest and social gathering in the banquet hall of Ihe Bar-Ilan University near Tel Aviv. Among the highlights were a buffet, a display of the latest gear from the Israeli distributors of Kenwood and Yaesu, a laffle of gear ranging from handi-talkies to computer accessories, and the awarding of prizes to the winners of the recent IARC QSL card contest.
The maim feature of the evening was the calling up to the podium of a number of seasoned old-timers who recounted tales of their experiences in ham radio in the pre-state days and the early period of the independence of our country.
The first to speak was Shlomo "Sioma" Manzari 4X4BX who told that in the days of the British Mandate of Palestine, ham radio was strictly forbidden, the holding of transmitting equipment considered a criminal offense punishable by death. Nonetheless the amateurs organized themselves issuing themselves Palestine callsigns. Shlomo was 'assigned" ZC6SM. He recalled that a friendly British officer, a ham, brought them their QSL cards from the RSGB.
In 1943 when the state of Israel was proclaimed the government at first did not want to allow ham-radio operations. Arguing with the authorities, the hams stated that they had not feared the British hangman's noose previously, and should they not be granted licenses they would continue their operations clandestinely. As know, the amateurs won out, the first 4X4 calls were issued, and Shlomo became the first president of the new Israel Amateur Radio Club.

Lydda Airport built in 1936

QSO with G6GH in 1949