9A2WJ - June 25, 2016
Milan 'Daki' Drlic
Zagreb Croatia
QCWA # 26657
Chapter 106
I was born 19th of March 1947. In a small village named Gornja Obrijez, County Bjelovar, Croatia. Amateur radio exam I have made in August 1963. And I have worked only on the Club stations until 1967. when I have made a new exam for the own CALL and I have got YU2REO and from 27.11.1967 I have been on the Air until end of 1982 when I changed CALL in to YU2WJ. Mean while I have made exam for the highest class of amateur radio in Croatia. After 1992. We have got a new Preffix of 9A and I have changed CALL in to 9A2WJ.
Short time (1992 to 1995.) I have worked in Hamburg, Germany and I have got a CALL of DK3HJ. From 1995. until 18. March 2012. I have worked like a Bus driver in the Public Service in Zagreb, and from 19. March 2012 retired.
Now I have plenty of time for amateur radio hobby, and I have been very active wit the IOCA (Islands of Croatia Award) and 9AFF (Croatian Flora Fauna) programs. I have been every day on the Bands active CW or other all Modes. The main problem in the big cities is a space for LF Antennas. It is with me the same problem. I have FD4 for 80/40/30m but only 4m above the roof of the building. It is very poor position with me, sorry. My equipments are: Drake TR-7, TS-830-S, Kenwoods TS-870-S, TS-2000 and TS-480SAT, OMPOWER2,5. 2 el. Six Bands Quad 35m above the ground.
That is all for now dear fellows.
73 good health and see you on the Bands
Daki, 9A2WJ
QCWA-DL-C-106, 26.657