9A3VV - April 22, 2015
Damir Justra
Umag Croatia
QCWA # 35627
Chapter 106
From: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=hr&u=http://www.arabih.flyer-gmuend.de/index.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26view%3Darticle%26id%3D365:e73vv-damir-justra-sk%26catid%3D27%26Itemid%3D477&prev=search
On 22 April 2015, he left us Damir JUSTRITE E73VV, 9A3VV, ex 4N4AV, ex YU4VBM.
My motto: Use and enjoy Morse Code operation - fundamental to Ham Radio.
Amateur radio operator since 1965. Happy times when proficiency in Morse code was required for all wannabe amateur radio operators. For basic HF operator's class minimal speed was 12 wpm send/receive, for VHF/UHF only 6 wpm. It was simple and clear rule: No Morse code - no amateur radio operator. Period!
My callsigns:
YU4VBM (1966-1986), 4N4AV (1986-1991), 9A3VV since 1992, since 2008 also E73VV.
From 01/01/2012 to 12/31/2012 used callsign 9A203VV in order to celebrate 20th anniversary of use of 9A prefix in Croatia. Worked CW only. See www.qrz.com/db/9a203vv.
Drake TR-7, Kenwood TS-480SAT, Yaesu FT-480R, Icom IC-V85 HT.
Broadband hex beam G3TXQ (made by K4KIO) for 20-17-15-12-10-6 m, 26 ft (8m) above ground level, great antenna, lightweight, easy to assemble/disassemble, antenna rotor AlfaSpid RAU. Thanks to this antenna my signal passes through pile-ups w/o linear amplifier! Antenna tuner almost unnecessary.
End-fed wire antenna for 160-6 m 127 ft (38.7 m) long, only 20 ft (6 m) above ground level.
J-Pole for 2 m (homemade according to KB9VBR's description), excellent for repeaters, broadband, usable for CW/SSB QSO's too.
Mode of operation:
Mostly CW (99.99 percent), rarely SSB & FM, digital not yet. Maybe in the future? So far CW fulfills all my wishes and needs.
Other: Retired Law Enforcement Officer, IPA member.
DXCC CW (150), DXCC Mixed (150), DXCC 20 Meters, Diamond DXCC, WAC Phone, FOC75 (Gold), eDX 100 CW (125) & Mixed (125), ePFX 300 (400) etc.
CTC #2513, FISTS #14874, A1 #2315, R-CW-C #810, QCWA #35627, IPA.
Thank you for visit and hope to meet you on the air!
73 Damir 9A3VV