August 6, 2014 - AAØHQ
Thomas S. 'Tom' Steele
Arden Hills, MN
QCWA # 25585
Chapter 8
Thomas S. Steele, 87, of Arden Hills and Manchester, WI, died in his home Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2014. A small memorial gathering and picnic will be held for family and close friends at noon Sept. 13 in Jackson County.
I was first licensed in 1946 as W9SWI, a Class B radio amateur. My Elmer was Al Leeman, chief Engineer of WKBH. W9SWI expired in mid 50s, and was relicenced as AA0HQ in Feb, 1992. I also have 2nd class radiotelegraph and GROL licences.
For my first rig I had a 6F8-G; dual triode; regen det, one stage audio receiver and a 35L6; crystal oscillator 76 tied as diode rectifier running about 1 watt out on 40 meters transmitter
I belong to ARRL and QCWA. I enjoy operating; 80 & 40 meter CW; Misc contacts, Net/roundtable rag chew.
My current rig consists of a Ten Tec Scout running 45 watts out. My antenna is a full wave, 80 meter, horizontal loop at 20'. I also run a Drake combo R-4, T-4XB
I worked for WKBH in La Crosse, WI. I was a Philco TechRep with Airforce RTTY communication in arctic hardware design and management in computer industry.