Charles E. 'Chuck' Carter
Congress, AZ
QCWA # 37995
First Call: NØXLO issued in 1993
While visiting my wife's cousin in 1992 he convinced me to get an amateur license. I'd studied electronics years ago and received a commercial first class phone license and he assured me I didn't have to learn code so I got my no code tech and got on the air. It didn't take long for me to realize that on our local repeater I was a 2nd class citizen and would remain that way if I stayed a no code.
I studied the code and passed the 5 wpm to become a "real" ham. That started the ball rolling and a little less than a year later I passed my Extra Class with 20wpm cw. After stating I would never have to listen to that again, I work cw almost all the time hi hi.
After retiring and going full time traveler in an RV I eventually dropped my haming as it just wasn't convenient being mobile all the time. After 15 years of full time RVing I decided to buy a house and settle down again. I've just purchased a new to me transciever, an DX engineering Vertical and am back on the air. I'm probably here for the duration now and enjoying cw again. I stayed active as a VE for ARRL, W5YI and now LARC all the time so have been around hams most of the time.
FISTS 2982 CC 578
SKCC 4031, Very few contacts, after having the number for a number of years, I've finally learned to use a Vibroplex well enough to put it on the air.
I hope to cu on the air and at Quartzfest soon.
73, Chuck

May 15, 2019