Stephen W. 'Steve' Kercel
Brunswick, ME
QCWA # 32481
Chapter 134
QSL Policy: 100% uploaded to LoTW (2008 and later). No eQSL. DX: prior to 2014 100% sent via buro.
DX (2014 and later) and domestic QSOs: If you need a paper card from me (a few people actually do) please e-mail me at aa4ak.1@gmail.com, and I'll send you one by direct mail. This applies for QSOs with AA4AK, N1TRC, and Special Event Operations (N1R, N1P, or N1S) for which I am QSL manager.
I am an ARRL DXCC Card Checker: If you need cards checked for DXCC, WAS or VUCC, e-mail or call at 1-207-729-4504. I do not do social media.
Former callsigns: WN4SQD, WA4SQD, WT4ABK, WD4JRJ. First licensed 1964. In Maine since 2001. Life Member QCWA. Life Member ARRL. Member Merrymeeting Amateur Radio Association. Mostly CW, emphasis on QRP.
Registered Professional Engineer in Maine and Tennessee.
Non-ham interests before retirement: human-machine interaction, foundations of cognition. Formerly Associate Editor of Journal of Integrative Neuroscience.
Current non-ham interests: Yoga, sporting clays, volunteer emergency response, advocacy for adults on the autistic spectrum, advocacy for cancer survivors. Member of Speaker's Bureau of AANE Asperger/Autism Network. Member of Sagadahoc County Local Emergency Planning Committee. Member of Midcoast CERT Communications team.
November 19, 2014