John C. Amodeo
Studio City, CA
QCWA # 35965
Chapter 7
Originally from Long Island, John started in Amature Radio as a "Tech Plus" in the early 1970's and upgrading to a General in the late 1970's. He moved to Los Angeles in the early 1980's where he became KA6MVE. He upgraded to Extra In the summer of 2011 and changed his call to NN6JA.
John has worked in the entertainment industry as an editor, director and producer for the past 30 years. He has produced familiar shows like "Last Man Standing", "Sports Night", "Titus", "Arrested Development", "Samantha Who?" and many more. He has written numerous articles about television & radio technology. During the 2012 Dayton Hamvention he presented his forum entitled "Ham Radio and Hollywood" and in 2013 he presented "Bringing Amateur Radio to Primetime, Network Television at the ICOM Booth. He was a featured speaker at the ARRL Centennial Event. In 2014, John won the ARRL President's Award for his outstanding efforts in bringing a positive portrayal of amateur radio to the public's attention.
Member: ARLHS # 1852, ARRL, BEARS (Broadcast Employees Amateur Radio Society), GSBARC (Great South Bay ARC), LIMARC (Long Island Mobile ARC), Martin County Amateur Radio Association (FL.), OMISS # 8863, PAPA Repeater System (Los Angeles), QCWA # 35965, Ten-Ten # 76746 and The Win System.
VE Affiliations: ARRL, GLAARG
June 10, 2017