AB4HR 1921 - 2010
Charlie K. Akins
Quinton, AL
QCWA # 19838
Chapter 49
OOTC # 3138
First Call: WN4AOM in 1961 Other Call(s): KC4WL
I was born in Walker county, Al in a little community called Union Chapel. Attended Baltimore school on Cordova river road when I was six years old, I graduated from the primer {now kinder-garden] and went to Union Chapel grammer school through the 9th grade. I then attended Bankhead High School in Cordova for the 10th, 11th and 12th grade I lettered in football all three years.
By the way I weighed in with pads,suit and all at 118 lbs WE used five different formations and had to memorize over 150 plays. We played a 10 game schedule and in 1939 l played all 10 games on both offense and defense and was not substituted for during the entire 10 games. During senior year at Bankhead High, got my first taste of electronics. Clyde Nelson, now a silent key, and I experimented with electronics. We built our first crystal set with galena made of melted lead and crystalized by adding sulphur, a catwhisker made from a minute hairspring of a watch{Big Ben} and a wire wound tuning coil completed our radio.. I think we could get two stations, sometimes both at the same time. We used a single headphone made by Bell or Acme. Later the same year I bought a 2 tube Philmore, shortwave set, from Burnstein/Applebee,then the war came and was many years later before I managed to get my amateur liscene.
After high school I joined the Navy and was inducted on Jan 2 1940. Was in Platoon 1 at Norfolk. Va. I rose to the rank of ACOM in 3 years and stayed for the duration of the war.I attended Norfolk, Va torpedo school, Secret Norden bombsight and stabilized bombing approach school at Dalgren Va and the Minneapolis Honeywell electronic pilot school in Minn. I served aboard the USS WASP CV7],USS Ranger and And taught Military enlisted and Officers bombing with Norden Bonbsight and Minneapolis Honeywell Equip at the Transition Training Squadron at Norfolk, Va. {when Navy first received The B24 Bombers.] During 1942/43/44 was on submarine patrol off South America [Belem/Natal/Recife] as bombadier for Squadron commander flying in PBM's, B24's, PBY's for over 18 months. Other service time below.
I graduated from The National Radio lnstitute school,and attended electronic school at Jax Tech Jax, Fl. In the nineteen sixties I attended Darton College in Albany,Ga for 2 years.
My hobbies are golfing [collect old putters],writing short stories about my childhood, amateur radio and (collect old radios, tube type). Did collect stamps, baseball cards, coins and was an avid fisherman but gave all stamps,cards to the boys. Live on on a lake but rarely fish anymore.
I was first licensed in 1961. Active ever since. Have approximately 30,000 personal qsl cards. If I worked you since March 1961 and you sent a card I still have it. Am member of QCWA, OOTC, OMISS. 3905 Century club, ISSB, Geratol, W4CUE (Birmingham Radio Club), AARC Albany Ga. 1010 International, ARRL[45+years],VEC, former Mars member for 35 years, Worked all states, Worked all counties, DXCC and holder of numerous other awards. Five children, two of which are amateurs, K4VTN and WB4BCU.
Active duty US Navy 1940-1946, Navy Reserve 1947-1953 [ACOM], 6 months duty during Korea conflict. Army reserve 1972-1980, no active duty during Viet Nam conflict. Retired Army SFC with 20 years service, worked two years at Gulf State Park, Al as a carpenter, worked as Aviation ordnance mechanic and Safety Specialist at Jacksonville, Fl 1949-1953.Transferred to Marine base at Albany Ga and retired as Safety Officer [GS12], after 40 years combined service This time included 6+ years active duty Military, also, Retired CDL Bus Driver [10 years].
Married to lovely Joyce Dill after wife of 59 years passed away 8 years ago.
Old calls while in Albany, Ga.were, wn4aom, wa4aom, kc4wl and ab4hr. Moved to this qth in 1994 and have had present call for 15-20 years. Rigs,Icom 746,Yaesu ft890, Kenwood ts440c, Drake tr4c, Amps,Ameritron AL572,Ameritron Al82. Use all band [windom] ant [270 foot dipole with 20 foot vertical section].QSL 100% for anyone needing this State {AL} or county{Jefferson} Will sked on cw or am if needed.
I personally invite everyone with an Extra class license to join the Geratol net at 3.668mhz. You can work all states in two to four weeks on this band and get the nicest {unbelievable} worked all states certificate in existence. Go to web site Geratol.com for info on net. (net closes during summer).