Charles R. 'Bob' Cox
Gilmer, TX
QCWA # 11822
First Call WN9WLY in 1952 Other Call(s): W9WLY and W5SQW
Life member ARRL, Life member QCWA, Life member Ten Ten International.
Active radio amateur continuously licensed and active sixty (60) years.
Holds commercial radio license PG-9-13103 with Radar Endorsement,
and amateur extra class license AB5X. Formerly held Radio Telegraph
(Ship Op) license T2-GB-037920.
Retired consulting electrical power engineer previously employed by all major
oil and chemical companies from 1963 until retirement in 2009, except for the
period 1966 to 1968 when he worked as a civilian communication engineer
consultant assigned to Page Communication Engineers for military and
embassy communication in Washington DC
Published several articles in CQ Magazine one of which was titled
I moved up here in the mountains and forest in 2000 and think folks in Houston are still trying to figure out where I moved to.
Raised three great kids down there. Son Martin is now. An I-Hop Manager and lives in Baton Rouge La. Daughter Nora, a graduate of UTMB in Galveston passed away 12 years ago, a great loss to us and the medical community. Daughter Della, shown In ham shack photo was a Mission Manager for Space Shuttle Stowage from the MIR Missions until the end of the shuttle program. She is now a Mission Manager for Transportation to the ISS, so we get a lot of NASA news here.
Celebrated 50th wedding anniversary last January and certainly enjoying retirement.
73 and CU on the bands.

AB5X, Bob as W9WLY - Indiana - 1957

AB5X, Bob as W9WLY - Delaware - 1965

AB5X, Bob as W5SQW - Houston, TX - 1971

AB5X & Della (Shuttle & ISS Missions) & Grandson - 2001

AB5X, Bob - 2007

AB5X - Mobile, Christmas 2012 - Gilmer, TX

QSL provided by Pete NL7AM
April 18, 2013