AB7MP - Mark R. Danner AB7MP

Mark R. Danner
Spokane, WA

QCWA # 36459

I've been a ham since the late 70's, making my first contact on a New Year's day in 1978 with my elmer. Having been through some ups and downs in activity, I currently spend my time on CW sometimes running QRP. I have a great appreciation for straight keys and, at times, will use multiple keys during a contact. All this started while I was in the Navy.

During my time in the Navy (CTM) I passed my novice test from my elmer, W1BML (a great cw op - SK 5/17/14), and was licensed as WB1GCX. Even without a side tone on my rig, CWcontacts were made. Soon after that, I passed my Advanced test (can anyone identify with a road trip to Boston's FCC office?) and my call sign was changed to KA1CP.

I served only 6 years in the Navy as a Cryptologic Technician (Maintenance) - actually, the rating changed it's name from Communications to Cryptologic while I was in. During that time, I was the "guest" on four SSNs. After my discharge, my wife and I moved to South Carolina and I was lucky enough to get the call sign, KB4SC. During my SC years, I upgraded to Extra (yep, 20wpm at the Atlanta FCC office) and divided my time between CW and SSB.

While in SC, I went to college and got a degree in music then moved to Texas for graduate work at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. I changed calls again, getting NG5A. As NG5A, I added FM to my SSB and CW activities, but started to drift more to the CW side.

Now, my wife of 38+ years and I are in Spokane, WA and I'm CW only. I divide my time between my Navy Flame Proof, my Vibroplex, and my Bencher paddles. I do QSL and LOTW works fine with me. A lot of my actiivty is with SKCC (#454T), local HF nets (WSN, IMN, WCN) and CWOps weekly CWTs.

I have been a "part-time" associate pastor for most of the past 38 years. Recently, I retired from that area of ministry and will continue my full time work as the director of an IT department at a small Japanese school in Spokane.

73 and see you on the air!

November 10, 2014