Roger Ringer
Apache Junction, AZ
QCWA # 37490
Chapter 16
I was originally licensed in New Jersey as a novice (WV2FNQ) in 1960. My father took me shopping to radio row in New York City and got me a Halicrafter's Short Wave Radio and a used Heathkit transmitter. After a year other events in my teenage years took precedence and I let my license expire. After a hitch in the USAF, I spent most of my working career in the Aerospace industry.
It wasn't until 2012 that I able to resume the hobby. Friends of mine in the Civil Air Patrol (USAF Auxillary) convinced me to get my Technician(KF7WWP), and then to upgrade to General. In April 2016, I upgraded to the Extra Class.
My main radio is a Yaesu FT-991 as a HF base and a FT-857 as a backup. The TYT TH-9800 is used for VHF/UHF contcts. There is a vertical triband Diamond V2000 (2M / 70CM /6M) and a 8 band vertical MALDOL HVU-8 on the roof. A LDG AT-100Pro II Tuner is used as an interface. For mobile, I use a FT-7900 and a FT 1DR.
I like the challenge of DXing on 100 watts. At times when traveling I use the Echolink program from my computer, which enables me to keep in touch with the nets I work out in the Phoenix area.
I also am on DMR with a Tytera MD380 handheld.
I am an ARRL Member, American Legion Amateur Radio Club Member, OMISS Member(#8941), 3905 Century Club Member and a 10-10 Club Member # 77529,
ARRL WAS #58485(KF7WWP) #2678-phone(AB7WP)
3905 CC 100pt 75m/SSB #3040
3905 CC 100pt 40m/SSB #2855

August 28, 2017