Howard W. Pepper
Palm Coast, FL
QCWA # 37109
My name is Howard and I have been a ham since August, 1990, when I passed my Novice test. My first callsign was KC4SQI, but you won't find a listing of it any longer. I worked hard and studied a lot, and passed my 20 WPM code test and Amateur Extra written exam, eight months later, in April of 1991. I requested a new call, and received 'AC4FS', which I've held ever since.
I enjoy CW and QRP, and am a member of the FISTS CW Club, QRP ARCI, the North American QRP CW Club (NAQCC), Monthly QRP Field Day (MQFD) and the Straight Key Century Club. I also work with the local ARES group in Flagler county, Florida. I am an ARRL VE, and work with the local VE team as well.
My other interests, besides Amateur Radio, include computer programming and messing around with Unix and Linux operating systems.
I have been married since July 20th, 1997, and my wife, Madeline, is also a ham, KI4GTV. She received her license in August of 2004, just in time for the two of us to man a shelter or two during the hurricanes of 2004. Nice introduction to ham radio, huh?
73, Howard AC4FS
FISTS #11006 QRP ARCI #12328 NAQCC #0822 MQFD #174 SKCC #462

August 26, 2016