Raleigh D. Stout
Greensboro, NC
QCWA # 36593
Hello, thanks for looking me up! My name is Raleigh, and I am from the Piedmont Triad in North Carolina, USA.
Station AC5JW observes the Wilderness Monitoring Protocol on 2m and 70cm from grid FM06CC. You can catch me on the 444.225+ (W4GG) machine and other local repeaters. I try to be on our local weekly nets around Guilford County. I am on 2m, 70cm, D-RATS, and Echolink.
I am a life member of the American Radio Relay League, the Texas VHF-FM Society, and the West Texas Repeater Association. I also have associate membership with the Southeastern Repeater Association (SERA), a frequency coordinating body.
As a member of the British Amateur Television Club (BATC), I hang out with the locals who use the GB3VL Video Lincoln ATV Repeater (http://TinyURL.com/gb3vl-atv). Other UK ATV repeaters I like include GB3BH (http://TinyURL.com/gb3bh) GB3HV (http://TinyURL.com/gb3hv), GB3KM (http://TinyURL.com/gb3km-atv), GB3SQ (http://TinyURL.com/gb3sq-atv), and GB3ZZ. I also enjoy Arizona Amateurs on Television with the W7ATN ATV repeater out of Phoenix (http://TinyURL.com/w7atn).
My career experience includes military communications and commercial radio broadcasting DJ for KGKL (English) and KSJT (Spanish) in San Angelo, Texas. I hold the FCC General Radiotelephone Operator license in addition to the Amateur Extra Class license.
In 2003, I completed the Professional Development Series in Emergency Management, a program of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the State of Texas Division of Emergency Management.
I accumulated 100 miles hiking the O.C. Fisher Dam in San Angelo, Texas.
Due to my studies with the US Army and the US Air Force in the subjects of air intelligence, cartography, imagery interpretation, land navigation, map reading, photogrammetry, and target intelligence, I developed an interest in combining locations, directions, and terrain profiling into useful radio beam headings for myself and other radio amateurs. My work on this can be viewed at my amateur radio website at QSL.net.
In 2013, I joined the National Map Corps, a volunteer crowdsourcing map update initiative of the US Geological Survey. It is great fun to catalog public landmarks and other locations of general interest.
---Raleigh, AC5JW
October 14, 2014