Steven C. 'Steve' Roth
The Villages, FL
QCWA # 38371
Chapter 217
Ten-Ten # 3885
OMISS # 12772
SCARS # 13469
First Call: WA3PMS issued in 1971 Other Call(s): WA4IKU & CE3YO
I have been a Ham for 50 years but I was off the air for 36 years as I pursued other things. I finally got back on the air in August 2020. I spend summers in Virginia May-Nov (Madison, VA - Madison County - Grid FM08vj) and winters in Florida Nov-May (The Village, FL - Sumter County - Grid EL88xw).
My initial call was WA3PMS when I got my General license in Pennsylvania. Ex-WA4IKU when I moved to Virginia. Ex-CE3YO during my three years in Chile. Back to WA4IKU now AD4K.
I am a Vietnam combat veteran, having served with the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment "Black Horse" 1966-1967. My military MOS was Morse Intercept (05H40) so I copied lots of dits/dahs. I left the Army in 1970 and then worked for the US Govt for 29 years in communications.
My wife (Lynn - N4LMD) is retired USAF. Lynn and I are private pilots. I fly a 1946 Globe Swift and Lynn flys a 1957 Cessna 172. We fly out of Culpeper Airport (KCJR), Virginia and Marion County Airport (X35), Dunnellon, FL.
In Virginia, I am using an ICOM-7300 with an end-fed antenna. In our Virginia location we plan to improve our antenna situation but this is good for now. There is room for improvement. In Virginia we are in a rural area so trees are a problem. We are planning for a tower with a Yagi in spring 2021. There are no HOA restrictions in Virginia but I have to contend with HOA restrictions in Florida. In Florida, for now, I am using a Cushcraft 4-BTV Vertical in a stealth situation.
I operated from Santiago, Chile 1971-1973 as CE3YO on CW, SSB, and RTTY. when I worked in the US Embassy there.

November 21, 2020