Andrew J. 'Andy' Forsyth
Dillsburg, PA
QCWA # 33264
QSL info -- I will reply to your QSL sent to me direct or via the bureau. No SASE is needed. If you would like me to send you a QSL more quickly please email and I will reply with a direct QSL, or per your instructions. LOTW uploads are sent when I submit my contest log. eQSLuploads are sent after the contest log entry deadline.
Originally licensed as WN1HOL in 1967. Forty-eight years later I am active as AF3I. You may find me operating RTTY and CW contests, or the summertime VHF contests. New favorites include the CQ WPX contests, Washington State Salmon Run, ARRL International DX and CQ WW DX *** Go FRC !
Special thanks to YOU. If we had a QSO -- thank you for taking the time to work me and taking time to visit this website. If you heard me on the air, or if you are inquring about my ham radio interests, I hope we can someday meet on-the-air, or in person.
Recognition and reward for a few of my ham radio business favorites -- Joel Knoblock W3RFC and his entire Team at The RF Connection ( supplier of coaxial cables, connectors, and antenna wire, John Bee N1GNV and his Team at Quick Silver Radio ( on whom I depend for PowerPoles and many other accessories, Cumberland Amateur Radio Club (, Frankford Radio Club (, Randy Dorman at KB3IFH QSL Cards (, Patrick Tice WA0TDA, Nancy, and Jim Besst at the Courage Kenny HandiHam Program (, Lauren Clarke KB1YDD and her Team (Maryann MacDonald KB1ZTH and Carol Krukiel) at the ARRL Development Office. My very good friends at AES Cleveland, Milwaukee, Las Vegas, and Orlando who keep me well supplied with all the essentials of amateur radio. My good friend Charles Penninger KC9DAO at Penninger Radio who furnishes my Tipper and Snap-Tube antenna masts. These are good people and good businesses -- I consider them trustworthy and deserving of your support.
In closing, I would like to thank the people who made it possible for me to enjoy the pleasure of ham radio so many years ago when I first became a ham.
Mark Marholin -- WA1JCX then, and now K6JJR... Norbert Saegart -- W1GXB (SK)... Rich Assarabowski -- WA1DJG then, and now K1CC... Larry Crone -- K3AHF... Bob Hill -- W1ARR... William Reichert -- WA9HHH then, and now N9HH... Murray Powell -- W1QIS (SK)... Chuck Bender -- W1WPR (SK)... Arlene Bender WA1VMC (SK)... Marian Anderson WB1FSB... Marge Tenney -- WB1FSN... Lillian Salter -- W1ZJE... Marion Bayrer... Robert Myers -- W1FBY then... Roger Kaul -- W1FLM then... Jeff Jenks -- WA1GFW... John Naratil -- W3AMC (SK)... Roland Bourne -- W1ANA (SK)... Jerry Hall -- K1PLP then, and now K1TD... John McNassor -- W1GVT (SK)... Milt Chaffee -- W1EFW... William Baldyga -- K1YGS... Bill -- W1YBH... Walt Congdon -- W1ZPB (SK). Robert York Chapman -- W1QV (SK)... Charles Runkle -- K3UOH... Bob White -- W1CW (SK)... Ellen White -- W1YYM... Corky Gedney -- W1KXM (SK) and Ward from Hatry Electronics... Neil Gordes -- K1AAS (SK)... Vincent Sgroi now K1RM... Gus Wilson W1NPG (SK) ... Tony Welch (SK)... Sheldon Glick now WA1IUO... WA1HSN and many other fine friends from NTS nets -- CN, CPN,1RN, and EAN.
A special tribute in memory of Mr. Harold A. McCaffrey of Wilmington, Delaware, the previous holder of the AF3I callsign.
Thank you, all -- 73,
Andy Forsyth AF3I
June 18, 2015