John W. Snellen
Wake Forest, NC
QCWA # 35098
Chapter 126
Ham Public Service and Emergency Commuications are my main areas of concentration in amateur radio.
We have a weekly SIG net focused on Ham Public Service in North Carolina, every Wed. at 7:30 pm Eastern. The repeaters in the Carolina 440 Link System enable coverage of a wider net area. The Raleigh Hub repeater is 441.725 (+)(100). Other repeaters in the Link System may be found at the website: www.carolina440.net
The net may also be found at IRLP Reflector 9210 We are node 4270
Our Yahoo Groups address is: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/hpsnc
The local (NC Triangle area) Ham Public Service events may be found at the following address: http://www.rars.org/public-service/ps_signup.php
My equipment currently includes the following: Kenwood TS 2000, Ameritron ALS 600S, LDG AT-1000 autotuner. As far as microphones, I use a small Mackie mixing board, a Heil PR-30 (dynamic) or Audio Technia AT2020 (condenser) into W2IHY iBOX. My HF antenna is a ground mounted Hustler 6-BTV vertical with about 30 ground radials. The 6 meter antenna is a KU4AB loop mounted on a waterpipe mast at 20 ft. with a Diamond X-300A 2M/440 at the top.
I have added some equipment for public service and emergency communications including a SATERN BOX type VHF/UHF radio (IC-2720) with battery (small 18 ah) and switching charger (PWRgate PG-40), spare batteries and a 10 foot speaker stand tripod mast with a dual band antenna (Comet GP-3).
I utilize a portable HF station, using a basic IC706 transceiver. Included is an antenna tuner, 28 amp switching power supply, PWRgate ac/dc switching charger, 6 outlet dc power distribution box and a watt/swr meter. The power related items are housed in a Pelican box with wheels, along with a 35ah AGM battery. I have a75 ahAGM back-up battery in a separate battery box with a float charger.The portable antennas I use at this time are an Eagle One telescoping fiberglass vertical (33 ft) that is essentially an end fed long wire, tunable 80-10 meters. I also use a TransWorld TW8080 monoband 80 meter portable antenna.
FEMA: IS-100, 120, 130, IS-200, IS-700, 704 & IS-800.
ARRL Emcomm Levels I, II, III.
July 02, 2015