John J. Alvares
QCWA # 1399
I doubt he is still around.
CR9 - Macau
Looks like he was licensed back as far as 1927 as AC3JJ.
Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Editor of - The Daily DX - The Weekly DX - How's DX?
Two week trial -

CR9AG J.J. Alvares - QSO du 21 novembre 1947. ex AC3JJ (1927), AC2DR (1928) (qui aurait ces QSL?)
et VS6AG (1929/41)(voir sa QSL) , Il deviendra CR9AH. (merci Robert F3LY)

1952 Callbook: CR9AH John J. Alvares, Radio Vila Verde, Portugese Macao

1954 - QSL from the estate of W3EPR
1955 Callbook: CR9AH John Alvares, Villa Verde, Macao


1957 HARTS hamfest Photo: Front left is John Alvarez CR9AH, and going clockwise CR9AI, then someone from the Postmaster Generals department, XYL of VS6BJ, Jack Jeckway VS6CL "voice from the pagoda", XYL of Postmaster General chap, VS6BJ Maurice Duke, XYL of VS6CL, Son of VS6CL, and CR9AK on the right. HARTS photo courtesy of VK4TL & VS6BE

John Alvares, CR9AH, was educated in San Francisco, Manila, and Britian. John was first licensed in 1929 and held the calls VS6AG, CR9AG, CR9AH.
Photo from Don Chesser DX Bulletin #61, Feb. 3, 1959
FROM: DX LISTENING DIGEST 4-048, March 14, 2004
edited by Glenn Hauser,
** MACAU. Question of the Week -- "To the best of your memory, what is the most unusual or unique transmitter site you have personally seen?"
Back at the beginning of 1965 I was in Hong Kong and took the hydrofoil over to Macau, about 40 miles, to spend a day (and get a new country stamp in my passport). This was on my 7 Seas trip. Macau is not a large place, a little spit of land and 2 small islands, you can walk around the whole thing in an hour or so, I believe. I managed to contact John Alvarez, whose ham call was CR9AH, a very well known DXer. Sr. Alvarez was the chief engineer of Radio Vila Verde. He came over to the dock where the hydrofoil landed and picked me up and we spent an hour or so touring the station, and then a trip to the casino for a bit. The station was something like 10 kW, and I recall that 735 and 738 kHz were used at various times. They had a vey nice modern looking studio. This station was the Chinese service. I recall that Larry Godwin had verified them from California sometime in that time period. Others too, I am sure (Pat Martin?)
The transmitter hall was actually a spacious room and off to one side, standing all alone was a little Raytheon (I think) single rack unit, all by itself on an otherwise unused floor area. John told me that was a (I think) Portuguese service xmtr that had been used on 1200 kHz. I remembered that Bengt Ericsson in Sweden had logged and reported that station from Sweden, according to an item in DX News. I think the xmtr was 250 watts, and it certainly looked it.
I went back to Victoria that night on the steamer. The hydrofoils were run by "communist entities" we were told (P. R. China) and were were sternly warned to not travel on them. Of course, many of us did. The trip was about a half hour and the steamer was over 2 hours. I still have my old tickets. The "Penha" and the "Guia". I've never been on a hydrofoil since. I still have a CR9AH QSL card as well, ironic as, in the 275-odd countries I worked in my Ham days, CR9/XX9 was never among them (Bob Foxworth, FL, NRC-AM via DXLD)
The "Radio Vila Verde" belonged to John Jaques Alvares, a ham who held the code "CR9AH". Radio Vila Verde stopped issuing in the 70s and was closed for many years, until it was acquired by Stanley Ho. Today only send in Chinese with the results of horse races.
At 10:32 AM 4/29/16, Ron Fish wrote:
I could trace Alvares from Macau to Canada, but no trace of him since the 1990s. Since he was first licensed in 1929, he was born c. 1914 and is surely a SK. Another "we'll never get an actual date of death" but he's no longer with us.
From West Coast DX bulletin, Feb. 13, 1973:
CR9AH John Alvares is living in Vancouver British Columbia. CR9AH left Macao when some of the people across the border thought unkindly of him after a bit of rioting in the streets of Macao a few years back.
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