DJ2HN 1921 - 2009
Horst Werner
Grefrath Germany
QCWA # 14861
Chapter 106
First Call: DJ2HN in 1954
Obituary - Horst DJ2HN - RNARS 1941 Founder and Honorary Chair of MF Runde e.V.
After returning from the funeral of our dear fatherly friend Horst Werner DJ2HN, it is incumbent upon me to write this obituary.
Horst was very active until the last minute, so it took us all by surprise when he passed away peacefully on the 10th July 2009.
We know that even at the age of 88, Horst still had a lot of things to do on his agenda. Horst was always a very active and helpful person with a heart of gold.
As we all know, our society MF Runde e.V. would probably not exist without him. It was in 1977 Horst together with a group of radio amateurs who had served as 'young ones' in the German Navy formed the 'Vereinigung noch funkender aktiver Marinefunker' (a circle of still active former navy radio operators) which at the time did not have the vision to be a large maritime radio amateur society.
A remarkable characteristic of the later called MF Runde e.V. was always and is also now the great spirit of people with the same kind of interest, meeting each other through radio and in social events.
It was a great pleasure to meet Horst's wife Edith at the funeral service on the 16th July. A brave lady supported by her children and so many other descendants.
Condolences may be sent to; Edith Werner, Lerchenstr. 21, 47929 Grefrath, Germany.
Fred - DL1NL - RNARS 4598 Chairman MF Runde e.V.