DJ3YF 1927 - 2012
Anny Kraemer
Offenbach Germany
QCWA # 16288
Chapter 106
First Call: DJ3YF in 1957
On 07.03.2012 our radio friend Anny Kramer, DJ3YF, said goodbye to us forever. Anny was a founding member of the DARC in Bad Homburg in 1948/1949 and co-founder of the OV Offenbach, F23. From the beginning, it participated in all Lake Constance meetings and hosted several YL meetings in the 1960s. In 1984, together with her son Alfred, she founded the company DIFONA in Offenbach, which is probably known to every radio amateur. Those who called DIFONA usually heard her voice first. She worked in her company until the end and was also an exhibitor at every HAM radio in the middle of the action... even or despite their old age. We will miss Anny and honour her memory.