Bernd W. Friedrich
Mainz Germany
QCWA # 24525
Chapter 106
EPC #23767 * 30MDG #6977 * DMC #08207
DIG #0182 * QCWA #24525 * DOK K07
Callsign DJ8TX since 1963
PSE QSL via bureau and/or eQSL.cc or direct
I prefer paper-QSL. However, I like eQSL also (more and more).
SWL-Reports welcome
HAM-spirit: Direct received QSL will be answered also by direct QSL.
(No stamps, IRC and so on needed)
QSL is the last courtesy of the QSO!
My radio equipment:
Living in a large house together with a number of other families my only chance to participate in hamradio on shortwaves is to use small magnetic loop antennas installed on the balcony.
At the moment I am using a homebrewed magnetic loop for 40 ...10m with a diameter of appr. 80cm (31 inches). It is motor-tuned and controlled from the shack.
My transceivers, a Kenwood TS-590SG and an old Kenwood TS-440SAT, are able to produce up to 100W HF. However, depending on the frequency in use the power is reduced to lower values, corresponding to German EMV-rules, which allow only up to 10W(eirp) without an official claim.Due to the partially very low efficiency of magnetic loops it is possible to send up to 100W on 40m down to 15W on 10m from the TX to the antenna without exceeding the 10W(eirp) limit of antenna power.
In digimodes and CW the loop-antennas work fine. No comparison with beams and dipoles, however, when conditions are good it is possible to work with surprising results.
For VHF (2m) and UHF (70cm) I use small handheld and mobile equipment together with indoor antennas like HB9CV or vertical dipole.
The computer for digimodes is an old Windows-XT-PC. For portable operation I use a small Windows10-Netbook. The Interface is homebrewed. Software is DigiPan 2.0.

February 14, 2017