DK8FA 1959 - 2020
Ralf Schiffner
Altenstadt, HE Germany
QCWA # 34651
Chapter 106
First Call: DB6FA issued in 1981 Other Call(s): DH8FAP
Silent Key info from Wolfgang DL4HBB
My name is Ralf, my call DK8FA
At home I am in the Wetterau, that is 25 KM west of Frankfurt / Main in the middle of DL.
I got my first license at the age of 21. Meanwhile, many years and many QSO`s are in between. Member of the DARC, the QCWA and the DIG, this is the "Diploma Interests Group", an association in Europe that deals with the collection of amateur radio diplomas and has about 3,000 members, mainly in Europe.
But also 10-10 member, there I have the number 42020
I am married to my wife Elke and have two daughters, Lina (DO2KL) and Gunda, who have since left the parental nest.
Professionally, I have worked in the military for more than 30 years in the field of human resources, in the psychological field, which was a lot of fun for me. With the German Armed Forces in 2003 I was abroad in Bosnia as a SFOR soldier, half a year. It was a very instructive time for me !!!!
Retired, I now travel to the school or kindergarten disabled students for the "maltese help service". But I am also head of the local crisis intervention team in "CISM" Affairs.
For over 25 years I have been the chairman of the Local Radio Club with over 80 members. I guess they will not find any stupider like me, but I have a great crew behind me that I can always count on. Whether fieldday or flea market, my boys and girls are always there!
In addition, I am on the authority, which awards the amateur radio licenses in DL, in the Examination Board. And that for over 25 years.
I have been a member of QCWA German Chapter 106 since 2009. It has been my wish since the 1980's when I have the license one day 25 years, to become a QCWA member. Now I am the treasurer of Chapter 106 for several years.
I would be very happy to get in contact with many QCWA members on the other side of the Atlantic. Hoping that the conditions will improve in the future!
47, 55 es 73 de Ralf, DK8FA