DL1CT 1920 - 2010
Friedrich 'Fred' Coy
Otzberg-hering Germany
QCWA # 16551
Chapter 106
First Call: DL1CT in 1954
From his exposed QTH he was very active on SW and VHF. Our member died on December 20th, 2010 shortly after his 90th birthday. His last visit to our local association was on March 23, 2007, where Matthias was able to award him the badge of honor and certificate for 70 years of DARC membership and I wrote on the occasion: He joined the DARC (or the predecessor organization) on December 1st "1937" Matthias awarded the now 86-year-old OM the certificate of honor for 70 years of membership.
Fred still knows the times of amplitude modulation, and their demise with the change to SSB, he is still QRV and active today, and is still mobile! Even QSL cards are still available for him.
OM Fred has traveled a lot professionally and has left traces for amateur radio everywhere, for example the establishment of the Lampertheim local group in October 1956 with 11 members: Friedrich Coy DL1CT (from 1956 to 58 also OVV).
In 1997, on the occasion of his 60-year membership in the CQ DL, "The good spirit in the OV: - Friedrich (Fred) P. Coy, DL1CT, OV F39" appeared