Tom Roll
Zirndorf, Germany
QCWA # 33669
Chapter 106
As a child of a radio engineer I got in touch with radios and electromagnetic waves just then I was born in 1962. And there was no way to escape, hi.
When I was 10 I was given a receiver Trio something or so and I started to listen to these fascinating public shortwave stations all over the world. I sent them signal reports and got back lots of QSL cards. I remember well that Radio South Africa once sent a short story about me and my hobby.
In 1979 I got my first license with the callsign DB5NG. When I joined the airforce in 1983 I had to learn CW and I upgraded my license in 1984. From then on my callsign was DL2NBY and my only operating mode was CW.
In the first years of my ham radio life I was not interested in contesting at all. But since 2004, after a longer brake cause to marriage and family things, I mutated into a genuine contest maniac. Although I have got only a 17m long sloper and a 2 el mini beam, I love to participate in nearly every contest on nearly every weekend. The few points I get go to the Bavarian Contest Club.
I run a contest calendar which can be found here: dl2nby.darc.de
Member of AGCW #1540, BCC, HSC #1505, SKCC #12589
Hope to meet you on air!
January 4, 2015