Wolfgang Beer
Himmeplforten, Germany
QCWA # 35211
Chapter 106
Licensed since 1980, first call sign: DHØHAW (until 1982) - only operating 10m CW with 2 Watts using homebrew 2m<>10m transverter and HB9CV for 28MHz.
Interested in travelling + Ham Radio = holiday-style dxpedition (see also 9H3UN and S79WB).
As a (retired) school teacher I tried to raise interest not only in the regular school curriculum, but also in radio activity for nearly 40 years - with more or less success. A mobile or smartphone promises more "fun" to modern kids of today.
Member of AATiS (Amateur Radio and Telecommunication in School, see: http://www.aatis.de) and manager of RED INK AWARD.
Contact me via eMail, Echolink #217528 (=direct) or #275703 (=via local repeater DB0XJ) for any information exchange.
73 and good dx,
* RIA#942 * DSW'#123MT * DIG#5432 * QCWA#35211 *
January 23, 2015