Lutz Radloff
Luetjensee, Germany
QCWA # 32458
Chapter 106
my ex callsigns: DM4UYA, Y53UA and Y25UA. I'm member of DARC - DOK: E09 (German Amateur Radio Club); RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain); HSC #1355 (CW High Speed Club Germany); DIG #5949 (Diploma Interests Group Germany); GDXF #555 (German DX Foundation); QCWA #32458 (Quarter Century Wireless Association U.S.A.); OTC/SARA #281 (Old Timer's Club Slovakia); OTC/ARRL (Old Timer's Club of ARRL); ITC #53 (Italian Telegraphy Club); DSW #336MT (Diploma Collector's Group of Northern Germany); MARCOM #18 (Maritime Wireless Officers Germany) and DL-QRP-AG #2636 (German's Homebrew & QRP Group). I'm also OK8AEP during my vaccation. Mainly I stay there in OK2-area near OLOMOUC City.
According to HAM-spirit it's a matter of course that I confirm each first QSO with my QSL-card; QSL from You is very much appreciated. It will be sufficient to send Your QSL-card via GERMAN DARC QSL BUREAU. If You want to receive my QSL-card rapidly, please send Your QSL-card directly to me with SASE.
Some words to electronic QSL-cards: As an award-hunter it's very important for me to receive valid QSL-cards. I will answer for eQSL.cc, but only by Your E-Mail request. All my QSO's will be confirmed via LoTW, too. In case You will QSL via eQSL.cc or LoTW please also be so kind and send me a paper-QSL via bureau. Up to now the old slogan is still valid:
best regards and I hope to meet You on the bands.
73, Lutz
October 25, 2014