Frank Sperber
Siegen, Germany
QCWA # 34041
Chapter 106
Born in 1963
Radio Amateur since March 1981 - 1st call: DG4DAJ (1981 - 1985, former German class C, VHF up only) - 2nd call: DH6DAC (1985 - 1987, former German class A, limited HF and VHF up) - SWL call: DE4DAJ (issued by DARC) - US call: AA9KJ (Amateur Extra, since 1994) - call for education of novices: DN6DBN
Member of: DARC DOK O55 - AMSAT-DL #89.01413 - QCWA life member #34041 - AGAS - ARRL-VEC (Volunteer Examiner)
Sysop of VHF-APRS-Digipeater DB0AUS
Active in/on: 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 2 m, 70 cm - limited antennas on 160, 6 m - RX only 13 cm - Amateur Radio Direction Finding - Amateur Radio Satellites - Voice, APRS, CW (maximum about 70 BpM, 14 wpm), Digi-Modes, SSTV
QSL: I prefer printed QSL cards via bureau or direct. I confirm incoming cards on eQSL.cc, but don't send them in advance this way. And I still use handwritten logs, so you don't find me on LOTW yet.
Profession: Engineer in Electrics, Electronics and Technical Data Processing (Dipl.-Ing.) - working as Technical Editor in the rolling mill business.
My special thanks for becoming a radio amateur go to four persons: Edmund Stenzel (ex DB2ER), who showed me the way to amateur radio in the Mid-70s in his shack and presented me two CB walkie-talkies when I was 14 years old. In my age of 17, Willi Kreutz (ex DC8JO) was the best tutor one can have to gain the amateur radio license. And my loved parents (Gretel and Herbert Sperber), who supported my technical interests from the beginning, though they never got infected by the HAM virus.
January 30, 2015