DL9AR - March 14, 2015
Albert Leinemann
Burgdorf Germany
QCWA # 11793
Chapter 106
Albert Leinemann, DL9AR, Silent Key
We mourn the loss of our long-standing ham radio friend Albert Leinemann, DL9AR. He died on 03/14/2015 at the age of 92 years. Albert, active in nearly every field of amateur radio since 1950, was well known to many amateur radio operators not only in DL, but also around the world.
In 1961, being a founding member of the local chapter of the German Amateur Radio Club D.A.R.C. OV Lehrte (H32), he became its Officer for over 6 years and was elected as Chairman of the district of Lower Saxony (H) from May 1975 to May 1977. Not only as a club member, he helped many old and young hams to their license as their instructor.
He was also one of the first to have successfully linked ham radio and the computer. Many amateur radio programs written in Pascal and assembler, originate from his keyboard.
In 1971 Albert was awarded the Golden Badge of Honor of the D.A.R.C., and in 2010 Albert was honored for the 60th anniversary of his membership in the German Amateur Radio Club, the DARC. In 1977 Albert was one of the supporting hams who founded the first QCWA chapter outside U.S., and later was Chairman of QCWA Chapter #106 - "German Chapter" for many years.
We will always remember Albert as a helpful, knowledgeable and objective amateur radio operator, for whom ham spirit was not just a word.
47 es 73
Wolfgang Beer
ch106 - DL4HBB