DM3FZN - December 6, 2014
Ullrich 'Ulli' Scholz
Plauen Germany
QCWA # 26385
Chapter 106
silent key December 2014
Born May, 1947 DröGDR,the region is called Vogtland. Spouse Ingrid, 1 child, Air Force 1966-1968 Coporal. I worked 40 years as anelevtrican including communication technique for a small co-operative. 1966-1968 i had to do my military service, a radiooperator with the Air Force, ground personnel,later instructor. I married Ingrid in 1972. We have one son Carsten and one grandchild Manuel.Because of severe health problems I retired 1n 2002 and unfortunately I´m not able leave the house anymore. My radio career startet in 1960 when I was listening to amateur radio stations on 40m with normal brodcast receiver. Then I read any book I could get about radio,valves and speakers,etc.We had a systems of club stations,individual licenses were very rare. So I joined the club-station DM3ZN in Plauen in1962 where I had my first radiocontacts I received my call sign DM3FZN 1n 1966.After a few other calls,among them Y47ZN, I had my first call back in october 1998.
MEMBER: QCWA - 26385, DIG: 6082, AGCW: 2358.