Bertrand 'Berti' Bladt
Payerne Switzerland
QCWA # 35153
Chapter 209
USKA Swiss Union Amateur Radio
HB9FR - 7 Team radio club
HB4FR - Swiss Air Force Museum Payerne (source www.qrz.com)
HB4FG - Swiss Amateur Radio Club region Fribourg (near the famous area of GRUYERES - Swiss cheese)
SDXF - Swiss Dx Fundation
Q C W A - Quarter Century Wireless Association
Operator name : Bertrand (Berti), born July 1962
Location : Located west part of Switzerland, (french part)
Grid Locator JN36LT
Licenced since 1985, previously active on satellites and VHF/UHF/SHF + 6 meters untill 2003
HF : Since 2003, HF bands + 6 meters Phone - CW - digital modes (RTTY + PSK)
DXCC : HF (mixed bands) 326 CW 306 Phone 322 Digital 145 Satellite 136
Awards : WAS + WAZ + CQ WPX (Mixed : 447 - SSB : 300)
ARRL 8 bands DXCC
ARRL Challenge : 2175 Qso's DXCC / band
Also : FM/HB9SLO - FG/HB9SLO - FJ/HB9SLO (first Oscar 13 satellite expedition in 1993 mono op. in Caribbean regions)
VK4/HB9SLO Hayman Island - FO/HB9SLO Moorea + Bora Bora Islands (2010)
8Q7LO Vakarufalhi Island (2011/2012)
3B9SP Rodrigues Island (Swiss expedition 2012)

Tx: K3 Elecraft + KPA-500 Power Amplifier
IC 756 PRO III + ACOM 2000-A Power amplifier

3B9SP Swiss expedition in Rodrigues Island

HB9SLO and HB9BOU with the SDXF's flag

July 25, 2015