James R. Newland
Omaha, NE
QCWA # 16583
Chapter 210
Originally from Thief River Falls, Minnesota, I grew up in Grand Forks, North Dakota where I received my Novice amateur license in 1956 at age 16.
It was fun to be "rare DX!"
A year later, I passed the General Class examination and became KØEMC. Over the years I upgraded to Advanced and finally Extra Class.
Most of my life I have lived in Omaha, NE, retiring as a pathologist from the University of Nebraska Medical Center several years ago. I still continue to teach medical students.
CW is my favorite mode of communication, although I do a fair amount of checking into nets on HF SSB and 2 meters. PSK is a lot of fun, too. Homebrewing QRP rigs and accessories and operating them give me much enjoyment. A friend allowed me to put a 1100-foot loop antenna up 40 ft and build an 8x8 shack on his farm in a machine shed in the Omaha area, so I am a happy camper!
An avid woodworker, I love building furniture. My wife and I have been married for 52 years and have three grown children.
January 23, 2015