Roger H. Volk
St Louis, MO
QCWA # 20201
Chapter 19
First Call: KNØGOB
All new QSO's are now uploaded to LoTW.
QSL cards received in the mail will receive a QSL card in return. I still collect cards confirming a contact.
Life Member of: ARRL, QCWA(20201) and 10-10 International(69079)
Building, maintaining and upgrading repeater systems on 144, 220, 440 & 1296 is just as much fun, or frustrating, as operating on the HF bands. I moved into a senior living facility in 2013 and built the shack shown in the picture. The room also has a test/repair bench, reference library and lots of storage for parts and material.
March 10, 2015