Avery M. Finn
Hopkins, MN
QCWA # 16076
Chapter 8
Member of:
o Twin City FM Club
o SMARTS ( Southwest Metro Amateur Radio Transmitting Society )
o Ten-ten # 2787 ( Skyblue Waters # 1607 )
o QCWA # 16076
o OOTC # 3920
o ARRL ( CP-35 June 17, 1959 )
o Courage HandiHams
o Stillwater ARC
o FISTS # 12232
In the early days of Amateur Radio DX ( distant or rare stations ) was a few hundred miles. As time past and technology improved DX became much longer distances finally crossing oceans at which point DX became contacting a station in a very rare location like an uninhabited island somewhere or another location very difficult to get to. Today I don't consider any of that as DX. What I now consider DX is contacting an Amateur Radio Station on another space body like a moon or planet the ultimate human accomplishment.
73, Avery
November 4, 2014