KØTV 1951 - 2015
Jeremy L. 'Jerry' Muller
Hudson, NH
QCWA # 36497
First Call: WA1TZV in 1971 Other Call(s): WB2CUM
I lost a wonderful friend of 40 years the other day, Monday, October 26th, 2015. Jeremy "Jerry" Muller, K0TV, formerly WA1TZV is now operating his station from another plane.
Jerry departed this "mortal coil" on Monday, October 26th, 2015 at the age of 64. He leaves behind his beloved wife Karen and many many friends.

From qrz.com
KØTV is the subject of the strongest PRB-1 decision on record to date, Marchand V. Hudsono
The Marchand Decision has been a financial hardship for me. I have spent almost $20,000 defending the tower rights of all New Hampshire hams and this decision will also help hams all over the country. I would greatly appreciate contributions to my PRB-1 Defense Fund. Please check out my web site at www.k0tv.com and click on "Marchand Decision". Thank you in advance.
I am an active contester on HF/VHF/UHF. Although my station is not fully operational, I am gradually getting back on the air. I am currently active on 160 - 70CM. The station isn't really all there on the VHF/UHF bands but I have some capability.
I have been active on satellites and I was responsible for the station setup used for the Hellenic School contact with MIR/ATLANTIS STS-84.