Dallas M. Ward
Folsum, LA
QCWA # 25523
Chapter 109
Been doing QRP as K1DW/QRP (5 W) and working DX expeditions. Also use NO5LA/QRP (1W) when DX expeditions call CQ and get no answer. If you want QRP or QSO 1 watt, drop me an email. Have fun...
Had a great time as K6JSS/5 as part of the ACRI Golden Jubilee. If you still need LA, just email me for a Sked. 72 BCNU de Dallas K1DW
Born and raised in New Orleans, LA. Got my novice license in 1952 and General in 1954. There were four hams in my 7th grade class. Fond memories of my DX100 and NC125. After college and marriage moved to West Hartford, CT and worked for Pratt and Whitney for thirty one years. The FCC issued me K1DW in about 1972 and all it cost was a 13 cent stamp. Contesting, DXing and rag chewing have occupied my time for all these years. Enjoyed my ham life in CT with the AFMARS (AFB1PB), CTDXA, Murphy's Marauders, YCCC, BEARS, HAWGS and the Barn Stormers at KB1H. Yes, I do remember BIOYAC. Over the years I have met many wonderful people via Ham radio. In1997, retired and I moved back to Louisiana. Joined the DDXA, JARC and LCC. CW is my first love and was introduced to RTTY DXing here in LA. As always Field day is special. Recently been contesting at KN5O using the DDXA call W5RU. Have operated as ZF2WN (NA015), EI4VRM (EU115), K1DW stroke V2 (NA100), VP2V (NA023), and KH6 (OC019). Operated from IOTAs NA142, NA082, NA148, NA110 AND NA213. Hope to work from more DX and IOTA QTHs as health and wallet allow. Still have most of the logs for these operations. Have all but four DX entities and still trying with 100 watts. Traffic handling on LCW also. Have been a VHF/UHF rover in some of the contests as NO5LA. (NewOrleans FIVE LouisianA... WHO DAT?) Please QSL via LOTW, direct or via the bureau. Also I send my logs to eQSL to help those who use that service and I may want to go for CQ awards in the future with credit from eQSL. Suggest ALL send our logs to eQSL to help others. Good luck in the contest of life. 73 BCNU de K1DW ----------- PS: In some contests, yes, there is a "one" in Louisiana named Dallas.
January 2, 2015