Please call me Jerry! I was first licensed in 1958 at age 11 with the novice call KN1GUP. I operate SSB, CW and AM. I have a large collection of vintage ham gear which I use often on AM and occasionally on CW. I also operate 2 and 6 meters multi-mode. Memberships include 10X Club, QCWA, OOTC, AMI, SKCC, ARRL, CWOps and FOC. Since about 1972 have been net manager for the Maine Sea Gull Net (meets Mon-Sat at 1700 local on 3.940 MHz). I also do lots of DXing. I taught music for many years and retired in 2008. My wife, son, daughter, daughter-in-law and grandson are also licensed hams. I am the music director in our local Baptist church. October 05, 2016 |