K1LU 1942 - 2020
James E. 'Jim' Mc Cobb
West Newbury, MA
QCWA # 18005
First Call: KN1LLU in 1959 Other Call(s): K1LLU, W1LLU and V31JR
from: arrl.org
Special Bulletin 5 ARLX005
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT April 4, 2020
To all radio amateurs
ARLX005 Past ARRL Treasurer Jim McCobb, K1LU (SK)
Past ARRL Treasurer James E. "Jim" McCobb, Jr., K1LU (ex-K1LLU, W1LLU), of West Newbury, Massachusetts, died on April 1. An ARRL Life Member, he was 77. McCobb served as ARRL Treasurer, a volunteer post, for nearly 32 years, from 1980 until 2012, when he was succeeded by current ARRL Treasurer Rick Niswander, K7GM. An active DXer and contester, McCobb was active from Belize, where he held the call sign V31JR. McCobb was a US Air Force veteran and spent most of his professional career as a banker.
First licensed at age 16, McCobb was very active on HF -- especially on 40, 20, and 17 meters, primarily on SSB, although he operated CW during contests. He also enjoyed listening to amateur and shortwave bands, DXing, ragchewing, contesting, and "doing just about any kind of antenna work," he said in his QRZ.com profile. His other hobbies included Alpine skiing, listening to music, and collecting stereo equipment from the mid-to-late 1970s.
from: qrz.com
NOTICE: Current holder of K1LU IS NOT QSL Manager for A35LU.
I am QSL Manager for V31DJ and V31JR, K1LU, K1LLU W1LLU and KA8JM.
Please QSL either Direct or via Bureau---NO E-QSL or LOTW.
First licensed at age 16 on July 1, 1959 as KN1LLU. In early 60's became K1LLU and in 1964 was issued the call KA8JM in Misawa, Japan, while serving in the Air Force. In 1980 was elected to the volunteer position of Treasurer of the American Radio Relay League. Retied from that position in January, 2012. Spent most of my professional career as a banker.
In 1997 was issued the vanity call W1LLU. Also, I have been the holder of V31JR for the past several years. Due to contesting activities was interested in a 2 letter call with K prefix. In September, 2005, applied for the vanity call K1LU and it was granted to me on January 7. 2006. Over the years have been and continue to be very active on the HF bands, particularly 40, 17 and 20 meters.
Current antennas include one 70' telescoping Tri-Ex tower on which is a JK 6BA covering 40 thru 10 meters except for 30m.. In addition, have a 30m dipole and a full size vertical for 75 meters. Have two Yaesu transceivers and an Acom 2000A amplifier. Primary operation is SSB, but during contests operate CW as well. Enjoy listening to amateur and SW bands, DX'ing, rag chewing, contesting and doing just about any kind of antenna work, but at my age the latter is becoming a challenge. Other hobbies include Alpine Skiing, listening to music and collecting Vintage Stereo Equipment produced primarily from the mid to late 1970's.
Thanks and 73, Jim.
Jim, K1LU, my very close friend of 45 plus years passed away early Wed morning. Three weeks ago, he had a major heart attack. Jim had at least two previous heart attacks and came back strong after each one. Unfortunately, this one was iffy from the start, and he passed peacefully.
Jim and I contested, built antennas, and took on other projects together in radio and otherwise. I miss a really good guy greatly.
For many years Jim was Treasurer of ARRL and a past President of YCCC. Professionally, he was in banking and other financial businesses, including President of two local banks. We met when we were both working for the same bank---two of four hams in the finance division---unusual. He was also involved with a number of charities, frequently as Treasurer.
With the present virus situation, there will be a small private service. His wife, Rosemarie, told me this morning there will be a memorial service when conditions improve. I will post details when available.

Photos courtesy of Walt Stinson, WØCP