Arnie and Ms Carter - Arnie is on the left!
Aniello L. 'Arnie' Depascale
Plainville, CT
QCWA # 26876
Chapter 149

First licensed in January 1960 as KN1NFE I found myself in the 40 meter Novice band almost every evening. How strange that operating would seem to a new "HAM" where you had to tune the band to see if someone had answered your call.
Somewhere along the way my interest peaked for Vintage Gear. My three operating positions, AM, Collins and Vintage are all in the same room so there is not much space to change things around anymore.

I operate mostly 75, 20,10 and, when open, 6 meters.
I have two towers: 100 ft. Rohn 55 for HF with 10, 20 and 40 meter beams side mounted to the west, and a rotatable tri-band at the top. Also, several wire antennas for 160 and 75 including a delta loop for 75 at 100 ft.
The VHF tower is a 140 ft. Rohn 25 with nine 6 meter antennas in several "in phase" combinations.
In addition to ham radio, I enjoy shooting sports. Trap, Skeet and IDPA.
The last picture is me and Ms. Carter...I'm on the left!
Thanks for looking.
October 12, 2015