James W. 'Skip' Youngberg
Tyngsborough, MA
QCWA # 18420
I use my nickname 'Skip', people who don't know me call me 'Jim'.
Primary location is Tyngsboro MA (FN42gp), but I operate a lot from my secondary QTH at Balch Lake, East Wakefield NH (FN43mo).
QRV on every band 1.8MHz-10GHz:
- 1.8MHz-1.2GHz fixed at FN42 (Tyngsboro), using a Flex5000A/RX2/ATU/VU, a Yaesu FT-736R, and a homebrew 902MHz transverter. Antennas are dipoles for 80m, 60m,and 40m, a 3-el SteppIR, and various yagis for VHF/UHF.
- 1.8MHz-50MHz fixed at FN43 (Balch Lake), using an Icom IC-756PRO. Antennas are a G5RV inverted-V and yagis for 6m and 2m. (2m is currently down, having loaned my IC-746 to my daughter, KB1SWV.)
- 2.3-10GHz only as portable, using a Yaesu FT-817 and various DEMI transverters. Antennas are loop yagis for 2 and 3GHz and dish for 5 and 10GHz.
- OK, honesty prevails. I really mostly just listen on 160m. No good antenna installation at either QTH!!
First licensed February, 1960 in East Providence, RI as KN1NKR. Since then: K1NKR, K1NKR/bm (bicycle mobile, 6M AM, circa 1962), K1NKR/m, K1NKR/2 (RPI, Troy NY), K1NKR/5 (Lubbock TX), K1NKR/3 (Ft Meade MD), K1NKR/5 (San Antonio TX), DA4AJ (Wiesbaden Germany), K1NKR/1 (Tyngsboro MA), K1NKR/4 (Ft Belvoir VA), K1NKR/6 (Westminster CA), and K1NKR/2 (Rome NY). Ham radio led me to engineering and a succesful 25-year Air Force career, and later gainful empoyment, and then on to real retirement.
My original elmer was my maternal great-uncle, John M. Bristow, 1JP (W1JP). Uncle Jack was one of the early members of the Providence Radio Association (which dates back to 1919). He was also a principal member of the Providence Police Mobile Radio Patrol, a radio amateur emergency service organization founded in December 1941--predating the War Emergency Radio Service by six months! Uncle Jack was one of the original 2-1/2 and 5 meter operators in New England, back when anything above 50 megacycles was "ultrahigh frequency."
ARRL/LM, QCWA/LM, SMIRK #90 (that's zero-zero-nine-zero), ROWH, RCC.
- Member of the Nashoba Valley (Pepperell, MA) ARC (N1NC, www.n1nc.org), the Nashua (NH) Area RC (N1FD, www.n1fd.org), the North East Weak Signal Group (www.newsvhf.com), the Mt Greylock Expeditionary Force (W2SZ/1, www.mgef.org).
- Alumnus of East Providence Radio Association (now defunct?), Providence Radio Association (W1OP, www.w1op.org), RPI Radio Club (W2SZ, w2sz.union.rpi.edu), Wiesbaden ARC (Wiesbaden, Germany, now defunct?), Associated Radio Amateurs of Long Beach (W6RO, http://www.aralb.org).
- Professional and interest memberships include IEEE (LSM), the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, the Institute of Navigation (www.ion.org), the Nantucket Historical Association (www.nha.org), the New England Antique Radio Club (www.nearc.net), and the Chatham Marconi Maritime Center (www.chathammarconi.org) WA1WCC--and had the privilege of operating CMMC's KM1CC on the centennial night of the Titanic sinking.
One of the builders of the Global Positioning System (among other things you may rely upon...). Collector of QST (complete, both analog and digital!) and ARRL Handbooks, as well as Atwater Kent pre-1930 radios.
July 17, 2016