William L. 'Bill' Principe
Ayer, MA
QCWA # 19141
My name is Bill and my QTH is Ayer, in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, about 50 km NW of Boston, grid square FN42fn.
Rig is a Yaesu FT-950 to a multi-band vertical. I also have a Kenwood TS-130S and a Yaesu FT-901DM as backup radios.
Member of ARRL, PART of Westford (Police Amateur Radio Team), QCWA (Quarter Century Wireless Association). Licensed since 1957.
The photo above was taken at 4500 m elevation at Papallacta Pass east of Quito, Ecuador. Unfortunately, I did not have a radio with me at the time! The mountain in the background is 5200 m Volcan Antisana.
May 06, 2015