K1TG - May 7, 2018
Roger W. Kuchera
Naugatuck, CT
QCWA # 30484
Chapter 149
First Call: WN1TGG Other Calls: WA1TGG
NAUGATUCK - Roger W. Kuchera, 77, of Naugatuck, passed away unexpectedly on Monday, May 7, 2018. He was a proud US Navy Veteran and until his retirement was employed as a computer programmer for NASDAQ. He was an avid HAM radio operator (K1TG) and also belonged to the US Naval Landing Party in which he was instrumental in growing into the first Civil War Naval reenactment group.
He is survived by his daughter, Traci Kuchera of Naugatuck; his grandsons, Kevin Dlugoleski and Devon Kuchera; as well as his great-grandsons, Brandon Smith and Logan Dlugoleski.
Arrangements . Funeral services and burial will be held at the convenience of the family and there are no calling hours. The Alderson-Ford Funeral Home of Naugatuck is assisting with arrangements. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association, P.O. Box 417005, Boston, MA 02241. For online condolences, to share a photo or a story, please visit www.fordfh.com.
I started out as WN1TGG (Novice) in April, '74; thence to WA1TGG (Advanced) in June '76 and finally as an Extra in '77. I got K1TG in November, '82. Except for a short period of tinkering with RTTY my operating has been all CW. I have never, ever used SSB or AM. If you worked K1TG on 'phone, you worked a pirate!
There is nothing amazing about my modern equipment or sky wire. I run an ICOM IC-7700 and when needed an amplifier. Antennas include a 5-band Hex beam, 30 meter dipole and 40/80 meter inverted vee.
I have an interest in homebrew/commercial gear of the 1930s. On occasion I will run my Xtal-controlled, 3 tube, 50 watt TX ('34). There are a number of RX to choose from; 2-tube blooper ('34), SW-3 ('34), homebrew 8 tube superhet ('35), ('34) National FBXA, RME-69. I built or restored them all. The pix shows the TX and that's a RME-69('36).
I can thank the US Navy for my electronics training. I served aboard an old WW2 tincan (DDE-860).
I retired from the computer business in 2001.
My various memberships are: FISTS # 10462, QRP-ARCI # 7481, 10-10 # 60188, QCWA # 30484, AWA.
Awards:(All CW) WAS, WAC, DXCC (313 confirmed), WAZ, H-26, 5BDXCC, RCC, A1-Op, IOTA-200, 5BWAS plus 30,17 and 12.
I still keep a full paper log and will QSL upon receipt of your card. I DO NOT use LoTW or eQSL. Pasteboards only!
73, K1TG/Roger.