Jeffrey R. 'Jeff' Thomas
Sierra Vista, AZ
QCWA # 37122
Chapter 16
My name is Jeffrey Thomas (Jeff) and I have been an Amateur Radio Operator since June 1976. I was first licensed as a Novice class operator in the state of New Jersey with call sign WA2QZA.
I upgraded my license to Advanced Class in August of 1976, and was issued the call sign N2AEW which I held until February 1999 when I requested and was issued the vanity call of W2JRT. In March of 2007, I changed vanity call signs to K7WIN. After upgrading to Amateur Extra Class, I upgraded to the 1X2 call sign of K2AK which is in 2-Land where I was first licensed.
From November 1983 to January 1985, I operated HL9JT from a mountaintop in Suwon, South Korea and completed over 15000 contacts with stations from around the world.
I am the president of SAZARC (Southern Arizona Amateur Radio Club). SAZARC is a group of Amateurs that like experimentation and club activities without the requirements of a normal club. Anyone is welcome to become a member and there is no dues or donations required. We are looking for individuals that have the desire to learn and research new technologies.
We currently have a System Fusion repeater (for moe details go to http://sazarc.com). Coming soon is the interfacing of WIRES-X, IRLP and D-Star.
In my mobile (2007 Mitsubishi Outlander), I have an ICOM IC-5100A (VHF/UHF D-Star, FM), and an Yaesu FTM-400DR (VHF/UHF System Fusion) mobile rigs both are touch screen for ease of mobile use.
I love SIX Meter openings. My 5 element Cushcraft Yagi works wonders especially when the IC-PW1 is online. I am also active on the HF bands. I can also be found on the rapidly growing in popularity modes of JT65 and JT9 weak signal. Thank you K1JT (Joe) and VK3AMA (Laurie) for WSJT-X, JT-Alert, and JT-Macros for making weak signal modes so much fun and easy to work and track. I use HRD version 6 and its awesome logbook.
Antennas I use are:
Cushcraft A3S, 3 element Tribander (10/15/20 meters)
Cushcraft A505S, 5 element monobander (6 meters)
Comet CA-52HB4, 4 element monobander (6 meters)
SteppIR BigIR, Vertical (autotunes from 3.5MHz to 54MHz )
Alpha Delta, DX-CC (10, 15, 20, 40, 80 - 1/2 wave dipole)
Diamond F718A, Vertical (UHF repeater)
Diamond X200A, Vertical (VHF/UHF)
Diamond X300A, Vertical (VHF/UHF)
Comet GP-9M, Vertical (VHF/UHF)
M2 2MCP14, 14 element Circular Polarized for Satellite (VHF)
M2 436MCP30, 30 element Circular Polarized for Satellite (UHF)
Radios and equipment currently in use;
ICOM IC-7600 (HF, +50MHz)
ICOM IC-7100 (HF, +50MHz, VHF/UHF, D-Star)
ICOM ID-31A (UHF D-Star)
Vertex VXD-720 (UHF DMR)
Yaesu FTM-400DR, 2 each (VHF/UHF, System Fusion)
Yaesu FT1D, 2 each (VHF/UHF, System Fusion)
Yaesu DR-1, (VHF/UHF System Fusion Digital Repeater)
Yaesu DR-1X, (VHF/UHF System Fusion Digital Repeater)
Arcom RC-210, 3 port repeater controller
S-COM 7330, 3 port repeater controller
Yaesu HRI-200, WIRES-X (Wide-coverage Internet Repeater Enhancement System)
DV-Mega, UHF Hotspot, D-Star, DExtra, DPlus, CCS, DCS, Callsign Routing
IRLP Pi, Node 3952
Yaesu G-800DXA Rotor
Idiom Press Rotor Card DXA (computer rotor control)
RIGblaster DUO
Navigator Interface ( Amplifier: ICOM IC-PW1 (1000W, HF +50MHz)
Over the years, I have received many awards and certificates for Amateur Radio operating achievements. Achievements included are DXCC, WAS (over 30 different variants of WAS), WAS-Triple Play, WAS-OSCAR, WAC, VUCC, and many others. I have completed over 4000 satellite contacts in just a couple years.
If you are unable to find the information you are looking for, please send me an email with a description of your request. Comments and suggestions are also welcome. Please visit my website at https://www.k2ak.net.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a great day,
Jeff - K2AK

June 23, 2016