K2DV - Donald J. 'Don' Vlack K2DV

Donald J. 'Don' Vlack
Rochester, NY

QCWA # 37663
Chapter 65

The photo on my QSL card was taken in 2011 in Barrow Alaska, the northern most city in the United States. I've wanted to go to Alaska since I was a child, and I finally made it. Don't let the short sleve shirt fool you, it was cold!

Currently in grid EL87, Palmetto, Fl

On 09/18/14, I disassembled the station; I sold the house and moved into an apartment, and expect to be off the air for a few years. The plan is to hit the road full time in a RV when my wife retires. Hoping to be portable from around the country! There is a SLIGHT chance that I may be on the air temporarily for a contest. Otherwise if you hear my call, go back and listen again, you most likely copied it incorrectly.

10/20/17 While we are not full time RV'ing, that is where I have the radio set up now. So I am back on the air! Still using the TS-570 for the radio. For the antenna I am using an Eagle One antenna with a SGC Smartuner in line. It's not like the beam I had on the house, but it works!

Hi there, and thanks for visiting. My name is Don and I have been involved in Amateur Radio since 1990. I was first licensed as KB2KLP. I upgraded to General after a year or two, and was fine there. When the oppurtunity for a vanity call came in 1996, I upgraded to Extra to get a short call with my initials.

Like many people, I've been active and not so active depending on what else has been going on in my life. I'm glad to say I'm active again. It's amazing when you get back into it, you realize how much you've missed it!

I would like to thank my elmer Louie, K2QOB for taking the time to get me into a great hobby! Almost without exception all of the people I have met have been great, and I've made some really good friends. It's difficult to be in a hobby that the main purpose of is to contact people you've never met and may never meet, and not meet a lot of nice people! Louie was the first of many, many people who have been generous with their time and their talent.

I am a retired Trooper from the New York State Police. I joined in 1985 and retired in 2016. My last assignement was to the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit.

If you have any questions or comments, I'd like to hear from you! 73 Don

K2DV - Donald J. 'Don' Vlack
Set up for FT8

K2DV - Donald J. 'Don' Vlack
Eagle One antenna on the RV

K2DV - Donald J. 'Don' Vlack

This photo is my station before we sold the house. It is a Kenwood TS570D and I'm quite happy with it. I think I've had it maybe a dozen years or so. My antennas included a TA33 beam on a small tower about 30ft AGL. I also had a G5RV and an 80 meter dipole, both up about 45-50 ft AGL. I went to a dual monitor set up a while back and love it. The monitor on the right is usualy displaying something else other than the Azimuth map from my QTH, but I thought this would look better for this page! The computer is a low budget basic, that I use for logging and checking my email, and of course QRZ.com! I also had a VHF radio on the desk for the local repeaters.

April 04, 2018