K2JXW - September 1, 2018

James Weidner giving ALRHS award |
James H. 'Jim' Weidner
Merchantville, NJ
QCWA # 33814
Chapter 5
First Call: KN2JXW
From http://arlhs.com/
James Weidner (K2JXW) Founder of ARLHS SK - 07, September 2018
It is with great sadness to share the news about the passing of Jim Weidner, the founder and enthusiastic leader of the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society.
I first met Jim online around 2000 when I volunteered to help with the WLOL. Jim.s charisma was obvious and it was clear the idea of a lighthouse amateur radio group was successful due to his energy and focus. The ARLHS old and new simply would not exist without his steadfast stewardship.
Ever pragmatic, Jim's recent years were spent in full recognition of the limits of life here on earth. With this in mind he set out to ensure his beloved ARLHS continued. The result was passing of the baton to yours truly and I am ever appreciative of the trust he placed in me to captain the ship. Jim's friends are numerous and many continue to help me fulfill his goals of the ARLHS. so in a very real way, Jim lives on in all of us as we continue to make ARLHS what it is today.
Thank you Jim. We all will miss you very much.
John, KX4O
From September ARRL Letter
Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (ARLHS) founder Jim Weidner, K2JXW, of Merchantville, New Jersey, died on September 1. He was 77. A radio amateur since 1954, Weidner was a retired high school and post-secondary English instructor, as well as an active member of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and did graduate-level work at Rowan University, Burlington College, and Princeton University. Weidner was also the author and editor of several books and managed a small academic press publishing scientific and medical textbooks.
From QRZ.com
Founder and President of the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (ARLHS) -- http://arlhs.com K2JXW since 1954, Extra Class, retired English instructor, high school & college (35 years). Born in Carlisle, PA, and moved to Merchantville, NJ, as a child. Graduated from University of Pennsylvania (Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity) in 1962; graduate work at Rowan University, Burlington College, and Princeton University. Author/editor of several books; now managing small academic press publishing scientific and medical textbooks. Living on board the 37-ft motoryacht "Sandy Claws" in the summer months, Rock Hall, Chesapeake Bay, MD. Operating on 14.300 MHz daily at 10 AM Eastern time.