K2UCO - March 30, 2013
Harold A. Mellon Jr
Oneida, NY
QCWA # 26063
Chapter 28
Harold A. Mellen, 72, died Saturday morning, March 30, 2013, at his residence following a short illness.
He was born January 8, 1941, in New Port News, VA, the son of Harold and Helen Quinn Mellen. On Aug. 27, 1994, he was united in marriage to the former Carrie Gardner Farr. He had been employed in the bakery department of Price Chopper in Oneida. He was a member and was the current Exalted Ruler of the Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, of Oneida Lodge No. 767. He had been the safe driving instructor for the A.A.R.P., was a member of the R.S.V.P. and had received the Presidential Life Achievement award, had done video tech and audio repair for PAC 99, was a Ham Radio operator with Call No. K2UCO, and for over 50 years provided the emergency network.
Harold was a volunteer with the American Red Cross and had done tutoring for Literacy Volunteers at Oneida Library, and was active with the Boy Scouts of America.
Surviving is his wife, Carrie; two sons and a daughter-in-law, Benjamin and Deborah Farr, of West Winfield and Henry Farr, of Oneida; a daughter and son-in-law, Belinda and Steven Rotola, of Lewisburg, Pa.; one sister and brother-in-law, Florence and Norman Zona, of South Carolina; eight grandchildren, and two nephews.
A memorial service will be held Saturday, April 13, 2013, from the Coolican-McSweeney Funeral Home, 322 Washington Ave., Oneida. Interment will be made in Valley View Cemetery, Oneida. Friends may call on Saturday, April 13, from 1-3 p.m. preceding the service, with the Rev. Thomas Burgess, of Hope Christian Fellowship, of Canastota, officiating.
Published in The Oneida Daily Dispatch on April 2, 2013
Copied from his QRZ.com Biography.
HAM was First licensed in May,1958 as a Novice Class Operator. Life member of both ARRL & QCWA. Have been activily serving as an Official Observer (since 1997)and a Local Government Liaison for the Western New York Section ARRL since 2004.
Amateur radio related achievements include WAS,WAC,RCC and OTC. Have been for many years and are still currently serving as Saturday night net control for the New York State Phone Traffic & Emergency Net (3.925 mhz.). Sunday morning NCS ECARS (7.255 MHz.).
Academic achievements include: A.A.S(Bus Adm.),BA(Admin. of Non-Profit Organizations) and MSEd(Vocational&Rehab-Education).
Married and have 3 step-children, 6 step-grand-children. 40 years a free-lance professional photographer. Retired,but still in demand. Activily serving as a certified Instructor for the AARP Driver Safety and Marketing Specialist Zone 3, New York, Past-President of AARP Chapter# 3328, Oneida, NY.
Also active as a tutor for the Literacy Foundation in Madison County. Vice-President of Technical Support for Public Access Channel 99 for the past 9 years and current. Active member of QCWA Chapter# 28, Past House Committee Chairman, Loyal Knight, and currently Leading Knight for Elks Lodge# 767 BPOE, Oneida, NY.
My Condolences, "Ham" Harold was a really nice Man.
God Bless and Comfort all who knew Mr Mellen.
73 K2HAT Lee Hatfield Jr
Chapter 28 lost a great one with Ham, K2UCO, LM 26063, leaving us.
73, Bill Thompson, W2MTA Secretary

Collins S-line w/ 30L-1 amplifier