K3ANS 1942 - 2019
William N. 'Bill' Goodman
Easton, PA
QCWA # 22396
Chapter 17
First Call: KN3ANS in 1957
Easton, PA, native William "Bill" N. Goodman, age 77, passed away on Sept. 21, at St. Luke's Hospice, Bethlehem, PA.
He was the son of Bernard Martin and Dorothy (Kaufman) Goodman and devoted husband of 54 years to Arla Hope (Jones) Goodman.
In 1960 he graduated from Easton High School and in 1964 graduated from Penn State University with a BA in Accounting. He founded his own firm Goodman & Company, CPAs in 1973 after a career that included Price Waterhouse, U.S. Steel, Peat Marwick Mitchell, and Commonwealth Industries/Leader Nursing Homes. In 2014, he merged his firm with Werner & Co, CPAs.
Bill was well known as an avid outdoorsman, extra-class licensed ham radio operator K3ANS; lifetime NRA member, motorcyclist, staunch conservative Republican, founder and CEO of the Lehigh Valley Knife Show, and good friend.
In addition to his beloved wife, Hope, Bill is survived by his daughter, Michelle Lind; brother, Bruce Goodman; and two granddaughters, Abigale and Maegan Lind.
In recognition of Bill's love of the outdoors and hunting, friends are invited to a Celebration of Life on Friday, Oct. 18, from 12 to 2 p.m. at the Point Philips Rod and Gun Club,1035 Smith Gap Rd, Bath, PA 18014.
Arrangements have been entrusted to the James J. Palmeri Funeral Home, Martins Creek, PA
From qrz.com
I was born August 15, 1942, and am a Certified Public Accountant licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of State -- Board of Accountancy. I owned and managed Goodman & Company, Certified Public Accountants in Easton, PA, from 1963 through 2014. In 2014, I merged Goodman & Company, CPAs into Werner & Company, CPAs, PC. of Allentown, PA. I continue to manage a branch in Easton.
I was also branch manager and mortgage loan officer of American Independent Mortage, a mortgage loan broker located in Easton, PA. It was licensed by the PA Department of Banking. I have also been a mortgage loan officer and branch manager for Nationwide Equities, Ivy Mortgage, and Sunset Mortgage,mortgage bankers. With the tightening mortgage loan market, I withdrew from the business, but may recommend friends for lending.
I am active in estate and financial planning, and have been licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance to sell life, health, disability, and accident insurance and fixed annuities. Insurance is a perfect product for tax deferred investing. I had insurance broker contracts with New England Life, General American, Penn Treaty America Network, Assurant, John Alden, and John Hancock, all multi-billion dollar companies.
In my CPA firm we do certified audits, reviews, and compilations of financial statements. We do financial plans, and planning and preparation of income tax returns, estate tax returns, and gift tax returns. We do pension planning and administration, business advice, bookkeeping and accounting system planning, installation, and operation, divorce consulting, etc. We provide advice in organizing, buying, managing, and selling businesses.
I own and operate Good Knives, LLC, which runs large knife shows. I am a knife fan and collector. See www.PAKnifeShow.com.
I have been married to Hope Jones Goodman, since 1964. We have a grown daughter, Michelle Lee Goodman Lind, born in 1964, who lives in Hawthorne, CA. Michelle's daughters, our grandaughters, are Abigale Hope Lind, born 12/17/1998, and Megan Lind, born 8/17/2002.
In ham radio I have been most interested and active in DXing, contesting, CW, and building and maintaining antennas and station equipment for our K 3ANS multi-multi contest entries. I have worked all DXCC entities, and have DXCC certificates from ARRL on 9 bands, CW, and phone (AM & SSB). I have WAZ (Worked All Zones from CQ magazine) CW and phone, and on several individual bands. I also have ARRL's WAS (Worked All States) on CW and phone, and on many bands. I have been a member of the Frankford Radio Club (DX contesters) and the Delaware-Lehigh Amateur Radio Club, honorary life member (local public service club). I hold life memberships in the ARRL and the Quarter Century Wireless Association. In past years , I was an active volunteer for the ARRL, primarily in traffic handling and emergency communication. I had the following appointments from the ARRL OPS (Official Phone Station), ORS (Official Relay Station for CW), and OBS (Official Bulletin Station). I was net control for several traffic nets. I am past president of QCWA Chapter 17, Allentown - Bethlehem - Easton, PA.
I am also life, endowment, and patron member of the National Rifle Association and volunteer membership recruiter. I am life member of American Motorcyclists Association; life member of the North American Hunting Club, and life member of the Forks of the Delaware Historical Arms Society. I am a member of Easton Lodge 156, Free & Accepted Masons in Easton, PA; Varmint Hunters Association; Safari Club International and its Lehigh Valley, PA chapter; and local hunting and shooting clubs, including Blue Mountain Rod and Gun Club near Bangor, PA, and Point Phillips Rod and Gun Club near Bath, PA. I am a delegate to and director of the Northampton County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs. I am a life member of Bushkill Valley Motorcycle Club, Easton; and a charter member of Eastern PA Knife Collectors Association. Bushkill Valley conducts professional motorcycle hillclimb races at Freemansburg, PA. See www.bikehillclimb.com. EPKCA conducts annual knife shows. I am past member of the Easton Kiwanis Club; the Lehigh Consistory (Scottish Rite); and the Shriners (Rajah Temple). I like to ride motorcycle, hunt, shoot, fish, bird and wildlife watch, camp, hike, collect knives, hand-load custom ammunition, take photographs, attend gun and knife shows, etc. I especially enjoy long range varmint and big game hunting. I wish I had more time to do it all!
I graduated in 1964 from The Pennsylvania State University with a BS degree in Business Administration, major in Accounting, and took at least four thousand hours of post graduate continuing and advanced education from many schools and colleges. I have been a Professor of Accounting at Lehigh University and taught accounting seminars and courses at many schools and colleges.
My ham radio experience has trained me to be an accomplished public speaker, so I have often hosted radio talk shows (especially WAEB-AM and WEST-AM) and seminars, presented hundreds of programs to civic and business associations, and have appeared in television shows. I have written many professional accounting articles appearing in local and national magazines ranging from Taxation for Accountants to the QCWA Journal. I have been an active member of the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Easton Chamber of Commerce since the early 1970s. I was an active member of the former ReferralWeb, a business networking association that closed in 2011.
I have authored and broadcast by fax or E-mail thousands of tax and accounting related articles regularly to subscribers. Many newspapers and financial magazines have featured my articles and me.
Look for my picture on the front cover of the April 1994 issue of CQ Magazine and the August 1995 CQ Contest Calendar. My station consisted of an Icom IC-761, Drake L-4B and Ameritron AL-1200 amplifiers, plus rigs left here by friends who contested with me. I had several towers and lots of yagis and wire antennas for 160 meters to 70 centimeters. My wife and I both became ill in 2003, so I scaled back my ham radio activities and insurance and mortgage businesses. I am still very active in the CPA practice. A hurricane in 2010 blew down one tower and destroyed many yagis and wire antennas, so I have been off of HF. I am gradually selling all of my remaining HF ham gear, antennas, towers, and accessories, since I prefer to spend my free time hunting, shooting, and with gun and knife shows. If interested in buying my equipment, please visit my classified for sale listings in QTH.com, under K3ANS.
