Ian A. Kellman
Shavertown, PA
QCWA # 33902
Chapter 224

Murgas ARC - 2018 "Ham Of The Year"
First Call: KN2UMO issued in 1956 Other Call(s): K2UMO, W1HBK, K2UMO/5, K2UMO/1 & W1HBK/3
First QSO ever was on 40CW loaded into a 75W lightbulb. (A real bulb - wonder what 75 wattts of RF would do to a new fangled LED). Contact was two blocks but for me it was DX. Ran over and met the fella. Handed him a home made file card QSL. Probably have his response in my suitcase somewhere, but haven't found it yet.
QCWA (64 years this June). Life member ARRL. DXCC. GERATOL WAS 812. Possum Trotter. 25WPM CW certificate ARRL in 1958. Rag Chewer's Club. Murgas Amateur Radio Club Ham of the Year 2018. ARES operator. I am a past president of the Murgas club. Participated with W2DSC, the NYU ham club, during my college years. Volunteered AFMARS many years. Also member of MARCO - Medical Amateur Radio Council (#155).
I was part of a three teeneager multiop VHF 6 mtr station in late 50's in NYC and we won some award in a VHF contest. I think it was the fall VHF QSO party. We used the call K2UMN and the third op was K2IBY. We had alot of fun and stayed up around the clock. For those who have dealt with 6 mtr TVI, it was an anxious weekend in the middle of Brooklyn, but we survived and never did hear from the neighbors. Should add it was not my house, but it was a six story apartment house in the middle of the Crown Heights section of NYC.
Introduced to ham radio by one of my Boy Scout leaders after we learned the code. Several of us were quite proficient and we were invited to his home one evening. He had an S-38 and a Viking 2, flicked on the power and the dials glowed. He called CQ. He was answered on 40 mtrs from Chicago. We were in NYC and we were immediately hooked by the magic of radio.
Have operated from several locations in the USA and overseas, and have had the good fortune to meet many of the "voices" at the other end, over the years. Wonderful group of people from all walks of life. Fantastic hobby.
