K3LP - January 5, 2018
David R. Collingham
Mt Airy, MD
Chapter 23
QCWA # 29916
10-10 # 13394
Rest in Peace, David Collingham, K3LP, SK
RIP David Collingham, SK - K3LP is now SK. My condolences to the family and friends, and to our radio community, for the tragic loss of David Collingham, K3LP. I am sad and sorry for his loved ones and friends who now grieve this loss. May his memory echo through the ether like radio waves, reaching the receivers of our hearts.
Passing along a note from Paul, N6PSE: Dear Friends of David Collingham-K3LP: I have learned additional information concerning his death. Last night, during a heavy winter storm, David let his dog outside. David later took his truck to search his 25-acre property when his dog did not return. David found that his dog had fallen into an icy pond that adjoins his property with another property.
David made the heroic decision to go into the pond to try and save his dog.
After some time had passed, David's wife Rebecca went looking for him. She found his truck at the pond and called 911. Fire personal recovered David's body as well as his dog. Efforts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful.
David lived his life bold, courageous and heroically and he died trying to save his beloved dog. He will always be a hero in our hearts.
RIP David R. Collingham, age 59.
General Bio Information: David was first licensed at 15 years old as a Novice, WN6KTF. He currently holds an amateur Extra Class License and a Commercial Operators License. His Elmer (High School Teacher) was Louis P. Mallory (WA6DVK) who he met in the 10th grade, at Fontana High School in Fontana, California. His prior USA call signs were: WN6KTF, WB6KTF and AA6DC
David has been on over 70 DX-peditions, visited 104 different DXCC entities, operating from 62 of them. He has been a leader or co-leader on over 14 major DX-peditions. He was inducted as a member of the CQ DX Hall of Fame in 2014. Activated Most Wanted DXCC Entities; Activated 8 of the Top 10 and 16 of the Top 50 Most Wanted DXCC Entities Several 1st Place World contest Finishes including TI5W, VP5LP, FS5KA and A61AJ 2nd Place World contest Finishes including FS5UQ
Ham Radio Awards: CQ Amateur Radio "CQ DX Hall of Fame 2014" - SWODXA Dinner May 16, 2014, Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC) 2007, received President's Leadership Award: Leadership in DX-peditions and Youth Involvement, ARRL A-1 Operator club, NCDXC - ST0R, Republic of S. Sudan; DX-pedition of the Year 2011 Award, SWODXA "VP8STI/VP8SGI DX-pedition of the Year" award 2015-2016, and Dorothy Grant Elementary School plaque for generous donations in 2013.
Youth Projects: Over the last twenty years, he has supported numerous youth education and development projects, and youth sports.
DX-Pedition Leadership Experience: a) 7O6T Republic of Yemen - Co-Leader, May 1-15, 2012, 6 Radios, 14 Operators, 162,029 QSOs, b) ET3AA Youth Project - Leader, Dec. 8-13, 2011, c) Rotuma Island; 3D2R, 2011, Co-Team Leader, 18 Operators, DX-Pedition Boat/Tent & Generator Class, 59,450 QSOs, 6 days, d) Swains Island; N8S, 2007, Co-Team Leader, 18 Operators, New World Record for DX-Pedition Tent & Generator Class, 117,252 QSOs, 13 days, e) Libya, 5A7A, 2006 - Operations Planning Co-Leader and NA Sponsors & Equipment (20 Operators, total 8 stations), f) Barbados, 8P9R, 2005, Team Leader, Multi-Multi Contest Team (6 US Operators plus 20 local Operators, Total 6 Stations), g) Banaba, T33C, 2004, Logistics Support (17 Operators, Total 7 stations), h) St. Martin, FS5KA, 2005, Team Leader, Multi-Two Contest Team (5 Operators) i) Turks & Caicos Island, VP5LP, ARRL International DX CW Feb. 2003 - Multi-Two Team, HP, Un-Assisted - 1St Place World, Team Co-Leader (4 Operators, Two Radios), j) St. Lucia; J6R, 2000, Team Leader, Multi-Single Contest Team (3 Operators), k) St. Lucia; J6R, 1999, Team Leader, Multi-Multi Contest Team (6 Operators), l) United Arab Emirates, 1997, Team Leader, Multi-Multi Contest Team (2 Operators), m) YI9PSE DX-Pedition - Iraq, April 2-12, 2010, CW Team Leader (5 Operators) plus Installation Design/Support Team member, and n) VP8STI and VP8SGI DX-Pedition - S. Sandwich Islands (54,644 QSOs) and S. Georgia Islands (82,847 QSOs), Jan. 17-Feb. 13, 2016, Co-Leader (13 Operators) plus Operations Installation Design/Support Team Lead.
Memberships: David is a member of ARRL, SWODXA, Potomac Valley ARC and the National Capital DX Association.
