Roland N. 'Ron' Harshbarger
Houlton, WI
QCWA # 34257
My Mother named me Roland and proceeded to call me Ron. While I'll answer to either, I prefer Ron.
I was first licensed as KN3PID in 1961 in Northeast PA near the upsate NY border. I enjoy CW and AM as well as SSB. I also enjoy restoring equipment from my youth as well as milsurplus. I currently have three "stations" one sorta modern Yaesu FT1000MP, a vintage station with a restored HQ-180 and Central Electronics CE20A which uses my version of the BC458 VFO. I also run heavy metal with my R-390 and T-368 surplus station. I have recently become interested in the Bruce Kelly 1929 transmitter event and I have built my version using the 45 in a TNT arangment.

May 29, 2016